Teacher interns, studying through distance education, participate in classroom-based professional development and experiential learning.

In-Service Teacher Education
Professional development of teachers in all phases - Foundational, Intersen and FET - addressing their expressed needs for effective and relevant teaching and learning in their schools.

Whole School DevelopmentAddressing school improvement through change processes that include school culture, procedures and structures, with a particular focus on instructional practice and professional development.

Leadership DevelopmentProviding the platform for effective informationsharing between schools, which often includes administrative support for timetabling, budgeting andreporting. The Leadership Programme creates communities of practice andprovides opportunity for deep reflection around the change leadership process.

Social and Emotional LearningEmpowering teachers and learners with personal and social competence through blending emotional and social intelligence principles andin particular developing the practices of reflection, resilience and relationship building.

Working with schools to develop relevant and appropriate ICT capacity so that learners develop necessary workplace skills and teachers are confident in the use of ICTs to support their teaching, learning and administration.